In addition to creating art, I’ve also created a few resources for digital artists. Scroll down, have a look, and see what might be useful to you…

The Scene Store

The Scene Store

My scenes are high resolution 24 megapixel ready-made environments that you can use in your making your own digital art. Each one comes as a Photoshop file which contains layers separating the background from the foreground and mid-ground.  That way, it’s easy to integrate your own elements into the scene. Visit the Scene Store

Map Kit for GIMP

GIMP is an open source image editing and art applications for PCs, Macs, and Linux systems.  Map Kit for GIMP is an add-on that I created for it that helps you to create antique and fantasy styled maps. It’s available on the site

My Guide to Selling Art Online

Daniel’s  Quick Start Guide to Selling Your Art Online

I’ve done a fair amount of selling of art online. I have a free guide as well as an inexpensive e-book. Visit my quick start guide to selling art online.