What is Poser?

Poser is a computer application that allows user to pose virtual models of people, animals, and…sometimes…inanimate objects. Originally, the idea behind it was to be a digital version of a manikin, a jointed wooden figurine that is sold in most artists supply store. Over the year’s though, it’s become so much more.
In addition to posing the typical androgynous manikin, you can load very human looking models, all sorts of animals and even things such as car and plants.

In addition to pose-able figures, you have access to an array of props: everything from everyday items such as rocks and plants to complete environments such as alleyways and space stations, and even including clothes that can automatically fit the characters. Moreover, if poser doesn’t have what you are looking for, it allows you to add content that you can purchase from a variety of online stores, such as Daz3D, Renderosity, and Hivewire3d.
It’s become so feature rich, that Poser has become an art form unto itself. In addition to posing and propositioning characters, it allows for rendering of finished images, animation, cloth simulations (where you can drape cloth on figures and items, and even hair generation.
You can also export characters from Poser for use in other 3D digital art applications. This is how I typically use it, exporting characters for use in Vue.
Where can I get Poser?
At the writing of this, Poser 11 is the current version available from Smith Micro Software (the company that currently maintains the product.)
It’s available on Amazon
And…Are There Other Products Like Poser?
Yes, Daz Studio is the leading competitor of Poser. Daz Studio is free, but it comes with very little in the way of content. What you save in initial cost, you spend in purchasing add on content.
I say either one is definitely worth checking out.