The Old Mountain Lion
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On old mountain lion rests on a rock on the shores of a calm lake. It's the height of autumn and the forest behind the cougar is alive with the red and yellow fall leaves. The big cat lazily stares back at you as if he's just noticed you paddling your canoe on the lake, but makes no effort to react otherwise.
I've been creating a lot of big cat scenes lately, and, with fall being my favorite season, I decided to feature a mountain lion/puma/panther/catamount in a warm North American autumn scene. I decided that I wanted the cat to be older as if he has aged along with the seasons of the year. So I added a subtle white beard, like that of an older human male - a kind of anthropomorphic hint.
Do you want to know more about how this was made? Check out my overview of 3D Render Art.
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