The Long Journey Home


About this artwork

The winds of the American west gust strong over the prairie. Over a hill, covered in the golden grass of fall, comes a horse and rider. Both the brown and white roan and the Native American woman on its back bend their head in the wind. Exhaustion is evident in both. The horse has no reins; rather, it carries the woman seemingly knowing the way. It trudges on out of a kind of loyalty to its rider, ever continuing the long journey home.

I've created hundreds of digital artworks. It's very rare that I ever order a print for myself, but, occasionally, if I really like a work, I will. This image was one of the artworks for which I ordered a print for myself. In fact, it's the largest print I've ever gotten of my own work at 30"x40". I've enjoyed it for myself for over a year before making this image public.

Do you want to know more about how this was made? Check out my overview of 3D Render Art.

If you want to know about some of the specific computer applications that I used to create this, check out my Resource List page.

Gift Items

In addition to being available as prints, this image is also featured as a design on a variety of products. Here are a few examples, but there are many more...


If you'd like to use this image for your novel cover, product label, album cover, etc., or if you need a high resolution digital version for some other reason, it is available for licensing. The licensing is managed by,