

About this artwork

Here is another mustang in the American West for my equestrian themed art series. A wild horse stands proudly on a rocky, snow covered hilltop. The wind blows through it's dark mane and tail as it looks upon a wide valley. In the distance behind it, obscured by the morning mists, lie pine forests further backed by jagged western rocky mountains. Mustangs, though thought of as wild horses, are actually feral horses descended from animals brought by the Spanish to the new world and interbred with escaped livestock from ranches as well as lost cavalry mounts. Mustang horses can have any type of coat, and, while generally they have the body of a light riding horse, some also exhibit qualities of draft horses as well as some racing horse body types.

For this one, I wanted to use a slightly different horse coloration than I have before. This one as near as I can tell is a bay roan with white stockings and a bald face. Feel free to correct me. Horse coloration is a complicated subject. I actually spent a rather long time painting in details on the landscape on this one as I was using it to practice my photoshop skills (having recently acquired the latest version of Photoshop CC:

Do you want to know more about how this was made? Check out my overview of 3D Render Art.

If you want to know about some of the specific computer applications that I used to create this, check out my Resource List page.

Gift Items

In addition to being available as prints, this image is also featured as a design on a variety of products. Here are a few examples, but there are many more...


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