Horse With War Paint


About this artwork

A pinto coated horse stands upon a grassy hill in the plains of the American West with the wind blowing through his mane and tail. Covering his body is colorful war paint: the sun around his eye for keen sense, a hand print on his flank for returning a rider from battle unharmed, a red cross for escaping an ambust, a fire arrow on the neck to symbolize harming his foes, hand prints on his chedt for pushing over an opponent, zig zag lightning for energy, and blue dots to rain down hail upon his enemies.

This image actually started out as an initial draft for my image "War Horse" ( At some point though I misplaced it. Recently I found it with several other missing images and decided to finish it up and publish it.

Do you want to know more about how this was made? Check out my overview of 3D Render Art.

If you want to know about some of the specific computer applications that I used to create this, check out my Resource List page.

Gift Items

In addition to being available as prints, this image is also featured as a design on a variety of products. Here are a few examples, but there are many more...


If you'd like to use this image for your novel cover, product label, album cover, etc., or if you need a high resolution digital version for some other reason, it is available for licensing. The licensing is managed by,