Door To The Lion's Kingdom


About this artwork

A large male lion stands guard at a stone door. On this side of the portal is a room made of brown stone. The doorway is made from a columned arch. Beyond the exit is a bright exterior with grassy hills and blue skies filled with puffy white clouds. The lion stands with a sense of might, right in the middle of the opening. He looks just above you as if you are not worthy to pass.

I've been in a big cat mood for several weeks now and this the latest artwork for my gallery featuring lions, tigers, and saber-toothed cats. The theme of a lion guarding a passageway is common throughout western culture and religion. Lions are perhaps the oldest of animal symbols in art. In fact, lion headed statues representing some sort of god have been found in Germany dating back as much as 40000 years!

Do you want to know more about how this was made? Check out my overview of 3D Render Art.

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Gift Items

In addition to being available as prints, this image is also featured as a design on a variety of products. Here are a few examples, but there are many more...


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